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Baby Karina's Blankie (100qp) [Novice]

Turtle isle
When you talk to Karina, she asks you to get her blanket back from a mean boy who stole it. To get it back, go to Matty, (The boy who stole it) on the playground southwest of Karina's house. When you get the blanket back, its all dirty so Karina asks you to get it cleaned up for her. To get it cleaned up, go to Eliza south of her house. When you're done, take it back to Karina.

You Completed Baby Karina's Blankie. You Earned 5 Bananas and 100 quest points

Bailey's Rose Trellis (50qp) [Novice]

Lilac Isle
To start the quest, go to Bailey on Lilac Isle. The first thing she needs when you talk to her is 5 logs and 15 skinny branches. When you get those, bring them back to her. Then she will need roses from the flower shop owner on Turtle Isle. When the lady there gives them to you, take them back to Bailey to finish the quest.
You Completed Bailey's Rose Trellis. You Earned $3000, 5 Bunches of daisies, and 50 quest points

Barnabas' Isles Challenge (50qp) [Intermediate]

Treeton, Horse Isle

First Question: What store does Grey Slate on Hare Isle Own?
A: Rock

Second Question: What is the name of Peco's Bill's Horse?
A: Widow-maker
Third Question: What does Violet of Earton watch with her Binoculars?
A: Birds
Fourth Question: Who do you talk to, to get to Rock isle?
A: Mr. Tuttle on Turtle Isle
Fifth Question: What 2 items did Greig in Tail Forest lose?
A: Glasses and Watchc
Sixth Question: What gem is NOT wanted by the Ghosts on Pirate Isle?
A: Topaz
Seventh Question: What pet does Thorne have on Flower isle, and what does the pet lose?
A: Dog who lost a Bone
Eighth Question: How do you get to Quiet isle?
A: Talk to Galvin in Muzzle Forest
Ninth Question: What does Joylyn in Treeton collect?
A: Grasshoppers
Final Question: Which of these towns do NOT have a training pen?
A: Carroton
You Completed Barnabas' Isle Challenge. You earned $10,000 and 25 Quest Points.

Barnacle Ben's Decorating Quest (100qp) [Novice]

Pirate Isle
First you have to do Barnacle Ben's Home Improvement.
Talk to Barnacle Ben again. Barnacle Ben wants to add… paintings… to his home. So he asks you to head over to Art Isle and get some from the residents there. Only Pablo has anything to sell you, but he wants a pearl and two rubies for them. Return to Barnacle Ben with the paintings you received from Pablo.
You Completed Barnacle Ben's Decorating Quest. You earned 100 Quest Points.

Barnacle Ben's Home Improvement (100qp) [Novice]

Pirate Isle
Barnacle Ben wants you to take his Jolly Rogers to be cleaned. Just take them to Eliza in Shellton (Turtle Isle) and she’ll clean them up for you. Barb Sower, also in Shellton, can mend them (she owns the Sewing Workshop).
Bring the cleaned and fixed jolly rogers back to him.
You Completed Barnacle Ben's Home Improvement. You Earned 100 Quest Points.

Barramundi Fish for Louis Penguin (300qp) [Intermediate]

Carroton, Hare Isle
You'll need the following items:
15 Little fish and 15 Earth Worms (15 additional worms if you'd like to catch your own fish).
You'll need to find the igloo at the north west corner of Ice isle, when you get there Talk to the penquin, he will ask you to hunt down a old fisherman. To do this, go to flipperton and talk to Mr.Fin, he will then tell you to go to Sam Mcgee on Loch isle. To get to Loch isle you'll need to go to Treeton and talk to the owner of the Fish Shop and ask to be sent there.
Once you talk to Sam he will give you a list of ingrediants. That being 15 little fish, tuna oil, bag of flower,cat treats, and 15 earthworms. You'll need to get the Fish Oil by talking to the owner of Earton General Store. To get the 15 fish, you'll need 15 worms and a fishing pole.
Once you've got the worms you'll have to fish for the fish. Find yourself a pond, and cast your fishing pole by clicking where you want to cast it. Once you hook a small fish click slowly to reel the bugger in!
To get the bag of Flower you'll need to talk to the Food Store owner of Wington, Bird Isle. Last you'll need cat treats, to get these go to the Pet Store owner on Cat Isle and talk to him. He will then send you to Carrotton to the Treat Workshop (blue roofed building) to get him some. Not to worry, just talk to the owner and she'll give you a package of Treats.
Then you'll need to go back to Cat isle and give him the package and he will give you what you need. Then take your ingredients that you have gathered back to Sam on Loch Isle to be rewarded.
You Completed Barramundi Fish For Louis Penguin. You earned 300 Quest points.

Barrett's Supply Delivery (25qp) [Novice]

Tail Isle
Barrett asks you to deliver supplies to Lelu and Mino. To do that just talk with Barrett and he will send you there. Then give the supplies to Lelu.
You Completed Barrett's Supply Delivery. You Earned $500 and 25 quest points


Betsy's Long Lost Brother (50qp) [Novice]

Start by talking to Betsy Burlap. She will tell you that she has been wanting to get her brother and sister a gift, but she has lost track of her brother Ben. Then she tells you that Davy McGee on Loch Isle might know where he is.
Once your finished talking to Betsy, go to Davy. When you talk to Davy, he tells you that Ben is in Tropicton. When you find that out, go back to Betsy and tell her the news.
You Completed Betsy's Long Lost Brother. You Earned $3000 50 Quest Points.

Big Blue's Fishy Friends (125qp) [Intermediate]

Rider Isle
Talk to the troll Gaurding the Bridge to get to Saddle isle, upset the troll and he will throw you into the water with the fish. then talk to the big fish he has a quest for you.
He tells you about his fishy friends that live on other small isle and he want to give them presents. When he tells you the names of all the fish remember them (write them down). The big Blue Fish will tell you to go collect some items to give them as presents some of them you have to get from the general store owner.
Once you have collected all the gifts go back to big blue and ask him to go to the first fish. He sends you off the a small isle. walk along the edge of the isle untill you find where the fish is (all the fish are on the north east part of the isle) when you find them there will be a blank box enter the right fish's name into the box and you will be allowed to talk to the fish give him the presents and he will send you back to Big Blue (beware: the fishes miss Big Blue and might send you to the wrong spot so just go back to big blue)
Yellow fish is - Adolphus, Green fish is - Gustavus, and Purple fish is - Mercurius.
Next ask to go to the next fish and do the same thing and then do the same for the last fish once you have done all that go back to Big Blue and tell him you have completed the quest you will be rewarded!
You Completed Big Blue's Fishy Friends! You earned a Sapphire Necklace, a Topaz Necklace and 125 quest points.

Black Bart's Collection (200qp) [Intermediate]

Pirate Isle
When you talk to Black Bart, he will ask you to find some anchors for him. You can find them by digging around the showing anchors by all the broken ship parts on all of Pirate Isle. When you have found 6 of them, bring them back to Black Bart.
You Completed Black Bart's Collection. You earned 2 Diamonds, 3 Pearls and 200 quest points

Brea's Groceries (25qp) [Novice]

Small Isle between Rider Isle and Saddle Isle
When you talk to Brea, she asks you to get her groceries for her. To get them, go to the General store right there on Rider Isle and talk to the owner. When he gives them to you, take them back to Brea.
You Completed Brea's Groceries. You Earned $1000 and 25 Quest Points.

Breezy Holds Off October (25qp) [Novice]

Horse Isle
To start, talk to Breezy in Sunshine Meadows at the bottom of Horse Isle. She will ask you to get her a ruby necklace. After you get one take it back to her.

You Completed Breezy Holds Off October!  You earned $8,000 and 25 quest points.

Britt's Cat Treats (25qp) [Novice]

Crystalton, Ice Isle
Britt asks you to get treats for her cat so Britt can teach her cat to do tricks. To get the cat food, go to Iggy, the pet shop owner in Earton. Once you have them, take them back to Britt.
You Completed Britt's Cat Treats. You Earned $5000 and 25 quest points

Broken Horseshoe (75qp) [Intermediate]

Hoof Isle
When you talk to Abril, he tells you that he has a horseshoe he wants to show you, but when you ask him to show it to you, he says that he lost it in a storm and he wants you to find it for him.
To find it, go to the big rock pile east of his house, go south of it and dig. When you dig though, you will only find half. So go back to him and tell him that. He will ask you to ask his neighbors to see if they have the other half.
Once your done talking to him about this, go and talk to Deidra right there on the isle and she will give you the other half of the horseshoe.Then when you go back to Abril, he will ask you to go to Arthur, the Blacksmith in appleton to fix the horseshoe. Once you fix it go back to Abril.
You Completed Broken Horseshoe. You Earned $5000 and 75 quest points

Burlap Family Reunion (125qp) [Novice]

Talk to Betsy. She will ask you to give a present to Ben and Bena Burlap.
When you talk to Ben, hes the owner of Tropican General store, he will tell you he has a gift for Bena and since your going there to give it to her, but to come back to him after you have given her the gift cause he has one for Betsy too. So when your done talking to him, go to Bena in Santon and give her both gifts. She will have a thank you card for Betsy and a present for Ben. After that go back to Jungle Isle and give Ben the present from her and take the present for Betsy. Then go back to Betsy and give her the gift and the thank you card.
You Completed Burlap Family Reunion. You Earned $5000 and 125 quest points