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Sabella's Mare, Apples (200qp) [Intermediate]

When you talk to Sabella, she will tell you that her horse, Apples has gone missing and that she needs your help to find her. Then, when you tell her that you can find her, she will ask you to start by looking around her house for clues as to where she went. To do this, stand south of the oak tree to the right of her house and use your search tool. You will see:
You see footprints and hoof prints walking together towards the road! You better go tell Sabella.
Then, when you see this, go back and tell Sabella. She will then ask you to talk to the residents by her house to see if they have seen or heard anything. To do this, go to Faustus and he will tell you that in order for him to tell you anything, you will have to get him some pie from Sabella. When you have done this, go back to Faustus and he will tell you that he saw a boy named Elliot walking Apples earlier and that they were heading south of his house toward the meadow right there.
Then, when you have finished talking to Faustus, go south of his house to the meadow he was talking about and wander around it until you find Elliot, the little boy. When you find him, he will hand you back Apples, the horse and when you have her, return her to Sabella.

You Completed Sabella's Mare, Apples. You earned $10,000 and 200 quest points

Salvador's Letter quest. (50qp) [Intermediate]

Art Isle
Start the quest by talking to Salvador. He will ask you to deliver a letter for him. To do this go to Hildago, Odysseus's horse. He will be standing somewhere around Oddysseus's house on the second Sand Isle. Then, just give him the letter.

You Completed Salvador's Letter Quest. You earned $6000 and 50 quest points

Samora's Science Challenge (50qp) [Intermediate]

The Answers for this quests where supplied by AmethystJewel on chestnut Server

First Question: Of the following 4 planets, which is the largest?
A: Neptune

Second Question: Which element combines with oxygen to form water?
A: hydrogen

Third Question: How many meters are in a kilometer?
A: 1,000

Fourth Question: Which of these is a coniferous Tree?
A: Spruce

Fifth Question: Limnology is the scientific study of what?
A: lakes

Sixth Question: Which is a direct living descendant of Dinosaurs?
A: parrot

Seventh Question: In Atomic Science, what is the Largest of these?
A: Neutron

Eighth Question: Thermal Dynamics, If you leave the fridge in your kitchen open for 10 minutes, after an hour is the room warmer or colder than it would have been had you not?
A: Warmer

Ninth Question: What type of rock can float on water?
A: Pumice

Final Question: If an object absorbs red and green light outside in the daylight, what color will it look to our eyes?
A: Blue

You Completed Samora's Science Challenge. You earned 50 Quest points.

Sandra's Jam (50qp) [Novice]

Dolphin Isle
When you talk to Sandra, she will ask you to make a delivery for her. To do this, go to Ursala in Appleton on Horse Isle. Then, when you have done this, return to Sandra.

You Completed Sandra's Jam. You earned $2000 and 50 quest points.

Santa's Anniversary Gift (75qp) [Novice]

Christmas Isle
Santa will ask you to get his wife a present. When you tell him that you can get this present, he will tell you to visit Aura Hayward, the barn owner on Bird Isle. Before you leave, Santa will hand you 2k for Aura and also tell you that you will need to get 15 rubies and 15 emeralds so that she can make the present. When you have collected the rubies and the emeralds, bring them to Aura, hand her the 2k and she will make the present. Then, when you have the present, bring it back to Santa.

You Completed Santa's Anniversary Gift. You earned $5000 and 75 quest points

Scurvy Gums' Delivery (75qp) [Novice]

Pirate Isle
To start the quest, talk to Scurvy Gums Morgan in Skullton on Pirate Isle. He will ask you to deliver 10 Giant Coconuts to Windy Pick on Ice Isle. You will find her at the General Store. She will pay you and the quest is finished.

You Completed Scurvy Gums' Delivery. You earned 75 Quest points.

Scuttle's Golden Acorn (25qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle
Start the quest by talking to Scuttle, a rascally squirrel.
When you talk to him. he will tell you that Scamper, another squirrel is mad at him and that he wants to get him a golden acorn to say sorry. He will then ask you to get it for him. Then, to find the acorn, stand where the red star is down below and when you have found it, bring it to Scamper. 

 Scamper will take and when he does, go back and tell Scuttle.

You Completed Scuttle's Golden Acorn. You earned 4 rubies and 25 quest points.

Seashell Necklace for Patience (25qp) [Novice]

Bird Isle
When you talk to Patience, she will ask you to get her a seashell necklace. To do this, go to Deidra on Hoof Isle. When you talk to her, she will tell you that in order for her to make the necklace, she will need 15 seashells. Then, when you have these, bring them to her. She will make the necklace and once you have it, bring it back to Patience.

You Completed Seashell Necklace for Patience. You Earned $4000 and 25 Quest points.

Selena's Ethereal Summons (100qp) [Intermediate]

Ashton, Lava Isle
First, talk to Selena in her cabin on Lava isle. She will say something about the "Great Turtle Spirit" and "Saving a poor soul" You will need to go to Turtle Isle. Go into the cabin that says, Higgins' CottageYou hear someone making weird noises inside. "Aaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuuuyyyyy"
This Cottage is right near the library. After that, search with your little search one. You will find a ghost! Talk to the ghost, he will ask you to get two items. Start with the cider. For the cider, go to chillton. At the end of the road, talk to, Abigal. She will give you the cider. Once you have the cider, go to appleton, talk to Ted Capocella. He will tell you to go to the other race track at EQ Park. Once you have it, go back to the ghost in the Cottage on turtle, and do as he says. The front door is not on the road. If you’re inside the cabin, the front door is one step down. Once you dig it up, you’re done with the quest!

You Completed Selena's Ethereal Summons. You earned 100 Quest Points.

Sera's Special Delivery (100qp) [Novice]

Snow Isle
Start the quest by talking to Sera. She will tell you that she ordered some jackets, but that they never came. When you ask her if there is anything you can do to help her, she will ask you to go to Leroy on Desert Isle to go get the jackets. When you are finished talking to Sera, travel to Leroy and talk to him. He will hand you the jackets, and when you have them, bring them back to Sera.

You completed Sera's Special Delivery. You earned $5000 and 100 quest points

Shakespeare with Ethel Barryjam (25qp) [Intermediate]

Desert Isle
Start the quest by talking to Ethel Barryjam, the owner of the Hotton General Store. She will start reciting Shakespeare and will give you a quiz about Shakespeare.

First Question: Which character said: "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
Answer: Richard III

Second Question: Which classic science fiction movie is actually a remake of Shakespeare's play, "The Tempest"?
Answer: Forbidden Planet

Third Question: In what play does someone remark that, "Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look"?
Answer: Julius Caesar

Fourth Question: The play and movie "West Side Story" is yet another adaptation of which of Shakespeare's plays?
Answer: Romeo and Juliet

Fifth Question: To which of Shakespeare's plays will superstitious actors refer only as "The Scottish Play?"
Answer: Macbeth

Sixth Question: In which of Shakespeare's plays is one of the characters' heads turned into that of a donkey?
Answer: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Seventh Question:
Who told Julius Caeser to "Beware the Ides of March!"?
Answer: A soothsayer

Eighth Question:
In which play do three witches intone, "Double, double, toil and trouble! Fire burn and cauldron bubble!"?
Answer: Macbeth

Ninth Question: What is the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia?
Answer: They are sweethearts.

Final Question: In one of his works, Shakespeare describes a horse who is perfect in every way, ending with, "Look, what a horse should have, he did not lack--save a proud rider on so proud a back." Which of his works is that quote from?
Answer: Venus and Adonis

Bonus Question: Brush up your Shakespeare! Start quoting him now!
Brush up your Shakespeare! And the women you will wow!"
Answer: Kiss Me, Kate

You Completed Shakespeare with Ethel Barryjam. You earned 25 Quest points.

Shark Soup Brady's Mysterious Ailment (150qp) [Novice]

Pirate Isle
Talk to shark soup brady and she will tell you she isn't feeling right and you say you will take it upon your self to make her better.
Talk to Saggin' Jowls Willie, Skull Pirate and he will tell you to go to hotton vet care. she will tell you to collect 10 oranges, 10 strawberries and 10 rotten tomatoes and return to shark soup brady.

You completed Shark soup Brady's Mysterious ailment. you earned 150 quest points.

Shawnah's Unique Plant Food (125qp) [Intermediate]

South Jungle Isle
Shawnah is near the money eating plants and she needs 25 Venetian food.Get this and return the food to her.

You Completed Shawnah's Unique Plant Food. You earned 125 Quest Points.

Signe's Birthday Gift (25qp) [Novice]

Ice Isle
When you talk to Signe, she will tell you that her sister, Svea's birthday is coming up and that she wants to get her a red dress. When you tell her, that you can pick it up for her, she will tell you to go to Stella Styles, the Turtle Isle clothing store owner. Then, when you are finished talking to Signe, travel to Stella and she will give you the dress. Then, when you have it, bring it back to Signe

You Completed Signe's Birthday Gift. You earned $3000 and 25 quest points.

Silver Mary's Big Production (400qp) [Master]

Pirate Isle
When you talk to Silver Mary, she will ask you to get her some things.
She will want a Drum, a French Horn, a dress with a hoop skirt, a Major General's outfit, and paint in four colors (red, yellow, green and blue).
Then, when she is finished listing the things, go and get them.
To get the paints, travel to Vern on Jungle Isle. Vern will give you four white paints, but you will need to get different colored ones. To do this, go to Nicolette in Chillton on Snow Isle. When you talk to Nicolette about the paints, she will tell you that she can make them, but in order for her to do that, she will need you to get her 10 Iron Ore, 10 Copper Ore, 1 box of Tin Oxide and 1 box of Chrome Oxide.
To get the oxides, travel to Arthur Templeton, the blacksmith in Appleton on Horse Isle. When you get to Arthur, have him hand you the Oxides and then bring them back to Nicolette along with the Ores. She will then make the paints.
The next thing you will need is the dress with a hoop skirt and a Major General's outfit.
To get these, travel to Barb Sower in Shellton on Turtle Isle. When you talk to her about the clothing, she will tell you that she cannot make them, but that Harry Holterz, Owner of the Shellton Livery Stable can and when you are finished talking to Barb, travel to him. Talk to Harry and he will hand you the things.
When you have them, travel to Xamba on Jungle Isle for the drum. He will need 6 logs of ebony wood and 6 leather strappings. Then, when you have them, bring them back to him.
He will tell you that you can get the horn from Lucie, the bank owner right there on Jungle Isle. Then, when you are finished talking to him, go to Lucie and she will tell you that she doesn't have a French horn, but her old instructor, Grant Funds, the bank owner in Wington on Bird Isle might.
Finish talking to Lucie and then make your way to Grant. When you talk to him, he will give you the French horn for 5k. Then, when you have all of these things, return them to Silver Mary.

You completed Silver Mary's Big Production. You earned Two Diamond Necklaces, two Pearl Necklaces and 400 quest points.

Simple Message (200qp) [Intermediate]

Flower Isle
Start the quest by talking to the guy found in the middle of the flower maze on flower isle he should send you to the Pegasus on Flower isle. The pegasuswill ask you to find hes friend the unicorn and give him a message.
The Unicorn is found in tail forest but you have to take a path to him the entrance is On the west side of the forest next to Sunshine Medows on Horse Isle.
when you get to the paddock with the house stand next to the dead tree and use your small search tool it should poof you to the other paddock then walk around until you find the unicorn tell him the message he will send you back to pegasus and to complete the quest talk to pegasus again.

You Completed Simple Message quest. You earned 200 Quest Points.

Sir Sleepwell's Armament (175qp) [Intermediate]

Pasty Isle
Talk to Diedra on Hoof Isle. She will send you to Sir Sleepwell. Toget to lava isle you will need 5 wild flowers.
Talk to Sir Sleepwell he asks you to find his sword for him.
Go to Lava isle and talk to Patsy. Patsy will tell you he lent the sword and shield to his friend Koko. He will offer to send you to Ingeous Isle.
Go there and head south. Soon, you will see a house. Enter it and talk to Koko. She will tell you to go see her friend
Her friend will be in that clearing of rocks. Talk to her friend and she will tell you what she knows about the location of the shield, hilt, and blade. (Koko broke the sword)
The blade is right near the horse.
(this Picture is by the trees below Cupid's House.)

To find the hilt travel west from where you found the sword.

To find the shield continue west till you come to the beach. When you get to the beach, head south.

After finding all three pieces head back to Koko's house. She will send you back to Lava Isle.
Go to Patsy He will take the shield and send you to Puuhonua Isle.
You will need to go to Desert isle to repair the sword.
When you arrive on Desert Isle talk to the blacksmith he will repair the sword. When the sword is fixed go back to Hoof Isle.
From Hoof Isle, Diedra will send you to Sir Sleepwell. Return his sword.

You Completed Sir Sleepwell's Armanent. You earned 175 quest points

Smelly Toes' New Boots (150qp) [Novice]

Priate Isle
You agree to find boots for Smelly Toes Monroe.
Talk to Barret the owner of tail end general store. You were given a new pair of pirate boots that need to be water-proofed.
Then go talk to karl a resident of Cat isle to get them water proofed. He needs 12 ferns. You were given a new pair of Waterproofed Pirate Boots. Just what Smelly Toes needs!

You Completed Smelly Toes' New Boots! You earned an Emerald Necklace, a Pearl Necklace and 150 quest points.

Soporta's Band Practice (175qp) [Advanced]

Astropos Isle
Soporta is a bright green frog
He wants you to find his band to bring them back together. The Drummer is M-Lap. The bass player is Eram. On acousitic and electric guitar is Calil. And on backup vocals is Remmihs.
To find them look at there names backwards to see what isles thay are on.

M-Lap = Palm

Eram = Mare

Calil = Lilac

Remmihs = Shimmer

You Completed Soporta's Band Practice. You earned $8000 and 175 quest points!

Soup for Santa (75qp) [Intermediate]
Christmas Isle
Start the quest by talking to Santa Claus. When you ask him if there is anything you could do to help him, he will ask you to ask Mrs.Claus to get him some soup. When you talk to Mrs.Claus, she will tell you that for the soup she will need noodles, celery, and carrots. To get these things, go to Windy Pick in Crystalton to get the carrots, go to Clementine Crate in Hotton on Desert Isle to get the noodles, and Nana Knutkake in Tropicton on Jungle Isle to get the celery. When you get to Windy, she will hand you the carrots and when you have them, make your way over to Clementine who will give you the noodles. Then, go to Nana, she will give you the celery, and when you have all of this, travel back to Mrs.Claus who will give the soup to you for Santa Claus.

You Completed Soup for Santa. You earned $5500 and 75 quest points

Spider's Quest (100qp) [Novice]

south of Sunshine Meadows, HorseIsle
Go to the pet store in Hotton and ask about the spider. Go to Dakota in Santon to get the spider from her. Return to the shack on the beach and tell the spider you have her brother.
You Completed Spiders Quest. You earned $5000 and 100 Quest Points

Spider's Treasure (50qp) [Intermediate]

south of Sunshine Meadows, HorseIsle
Go west from the shack to the double palm tree with driftwood next to it. Stand on the driftwood and use magnifying glass. Clue reads "WEST DOUBLE PALM”. Go west til you see the next double palm tree. Stand directly east of it and use magnifying glass. Clue reads "WEST ROCKS”. Move west, stand on the rocks and use magnifying glass. Clue: "WEST DRIFTWOOD DIG”. Go west and slightly north to the first driftwood you see. Stand on it and dig.

You Completed Spiders Treasure. You earned $5000, ruby necklace and 50 Quest Points.

Spister Mooner's Coconuts (25qp) [Novice]

Hare Isle
He is found west of carroton here.

Spister Mooner lost his chestnut horse and needs something to lure him back. to do that he needs 15 coconuts. Get the coconuts and bring them back to him.
You Completed Mister Cooner's... Mister Spooner's Coconuts! You earned $3,000 and 25 quest points.

Squalid Nathaniel's Note (100qp) [Novice]

Thanks to DollyHorse on Chestnut Server
Talk to Squalid he will give you a note and rose to take to CannonBall Cate.
Take note and rose to Cate she is at Skullton, she will give you a note and gold coin, return to squalid and give to him.

You Completed Squalid Nathaniel's Note! You earned 2 Diamonds, 2 Pearls and 100 quest points.

Staebulman's Homemade Feed (100qp) [Novice]

Hare Isle
When you talk to Dwight Staebulman, he will ask you to get him 20 Ferns and 20 dandelions. Then, when you have them, bring them to him.

You Completed Staebulman's Homemade Feed. You Earned $7500,Homemade Hay Bales and 100 quest points.

Stella's Sack of Fish (100qp) [Novice]

Earton, Horse Isle
When you talk to Stella, she will ask you to get a sack of fish from Ernie Angle, the fish shop owner. When you talk to Ernie, he will tell you that he doesn't have the sack ready yet and then he will ask you if while you are waiting you could get him 25 worms. Then, get the worms and when you have them, bring them back to him. He will hand you the sack of fish, and when you have it, bring it back to Stella.

You Completed Stella's Sack of Fish. You earned $5000 and 100 quest points.

Stew for Ormand (25qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle
Start the quest by talking to Ormand. He will be really mean and will want you to get out of his house, but try talking to him and offer to get him some soup. He will not want it, but still get it for him. To get the soup, go over to Lajita's house, a resident right there in Hotton on Desert Isle. When you talk to her about the soup, she will hand it to you and when you have it, bring it back to Ormand.

You Completed Stew for Ormand. You earned $1000 and 25 quest points.

Sumiko's Buckets (50qp) [Novice]

Appleton, Horse Isle
When you talk to Sumiko, she will tell you that she is starting a stables for the handicapped. Then, when you ask her if there is anything you can do to help her, she will ask you to get her four used buckets and four used feed tubs from other barns. The first barn you will need to go to is Henry Holtzers, the Shellton on Turtle Isle barn. When you get to him, he will hand you two feed tubes and when you have these, travel to Aura Hayward, the Bird Isle barn owner. When you talk to her, she will hand you 3 Stall Buckets. Then, go to Dwight Staebulman and when you talk to him, he will hand you a stall bucket and a feed tub. For the last feeding tube, go to Donna Hayes, the Ice Isle barn owner. She will hand you the feeding tube and when you have everything, bring it back to Sumiko.

You Completed Sumiko's Buckets. You earned A Dinosaur Bone and 50 quest points.

Sumiko's Custom Mounting Block (25qp) [Intermediate]

Appleton, Horse Isle
When you talk to Sumiko again, she will ask you to get her a mounting block from Talia Timbers, the Earton stable owner. Before you go, Sumiko will hand you 5k for the mounting block and when you have the money, make your way over to Talia. When you talk to her, she will want 5k for the mounting block and when you give her the money, she will hand you the block. Then, when you have it, bring it to Sumiko.

You Completed Sumiko's Custom Mounting Block. You earned A red pinecone and 25 quest points

Sumiko's Saddles (50qp) [Novice]

Appleton, Horse Isle
Sumiko will ask you to get her four used saddles and four halters with lead ropes. To do this, go to Goodwin Ryder, the owner of the Appleton Gear shop. He will give you two small Aussie saddles for Sumiko. The second person to go to is Tessa Strapp on Bird Isle. She will hand you a used saddle and when you have it, make your way over to the Jungle Isle Gear store to Bridgett Briddel. She will hand you four new halters with leads.The last person to go to would be the Earton Gear shop owner, Belinda Buckle who will give you the last saddle that you need and when you have everything, bring it back to Sumiko.

You Completed Sumiko's Saddles. You earned A Dinosaur Bone and 50 quest points.

Sunny and Storm's Marital Strife (25qp) [Novice]

Bird Isle
Start the quest by talking to Storm. He will tell you that he and his wife are arguing. When you tell him that they shouldn't be arguing about such silly things, he will ask you to go and apologize to his wife. Then, when you talk to Sunny, tell her the same thing that you told Storm and she will ask you to go and tell Storm that she accepts his apology. After you are done talking to her, go and tell that to Storm.

You Completed Sunny and Storm's Marital Strife. You earned $2500 ans 25 quest points.

Supplies for the Easter Bunny (25qp) [Novice]

Hare Isle
When you talk to the Easter Bunny, he will ask you to get him 7 carrots because he cannot get up. Then, when you are done talking to him, get the carrots and when you have them, bring them back to him.

You Completed Supplies for the Easter Bunny. You earned $3000 and 25 quest points.

Svea's Birthday Gift (25qp) [Novice]

ce Isle
Start the quest by talking to Svea. She will tell you that her sister, Signe's birthday is coming up and that she wants to get her a yellow dress. When you tell her that you can pick it up for her, she will tell you to go to Stella Styles, the Turtle Isle clothing store owner. Then, when you are finished talking to Svea, travel to Stella and she will give you the dress. Then, when you have it, bring it back to Svea.

You Completed Svea's Birthday Gift. You earned $3000 and 25 quest points.