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Palila's Boxes (100qp) [Novice]
Desert Isle
To start the quest, talk to Palila. She will ask you to go and visit Rebecca in Carrotton on Hare Isle to see whats holding her up on Palila's order of wooden boxes. When you get to Rebecca, she will tell you that the wood to make them has been holding her up and that if you can get her some, she will make the boxes. She also tells you that she will need 1 log and 15 strong skinny branches. When you have this wood, bring them back to her and have her make the boxes and when you have them, bring them back to Palila.

You Completed Palila's Boxes. You earned $10,000 and 100 quest points

Palila's Delivery #1 (25qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle
When you talk to Palila, she will ask you to make a delivery for her. To do this, go to Odysseus right there on the Sand Isles.

You Completed Palila's Delivery #1. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points

Palila's Delivery #2 (25qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle
Start the quest by talking to Palila. She will ask you to make another delivery for for her. To do this, take a wooden box over to Accalia in Hotton, right there on Desert Isle
You Completed Palila's Delivery #2. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points

Palila's Delivery #3 (50qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle.
Palila will ask you to make the third delivery. For this delivery, take another wooden box to Kaliska in Appleton on Horse Isle. When you get to her and talk to her, she will tell you to take the box over to Larissa in Treeton on Horse Isle. When you get there, she will take the box and tell you thank you.
You Completed Palila's Delivery #3. You earned $2000 and 50 quest points.

Paras' Feathers (25qp) [Novice]

Cloud Isle
Gather 14 sparkly feathers and 3 moonbeams and take them back to Paras.
You Completed Para's Feathers. You earned $2,000 and 25 Quest Points

Parisa's Bones (100qp) [Intermediate]

Special thanks to AppyArt for the information for this quest :)
Pumice Isle
To start the quest, talk to Parisa. Shes near some trees at the South-Eastern tip of Pumice Isle. You may need to talk to her husband Eros, who will tell you that she is missing. When you talk to Parisa she will ask you to find 2 Eohippus Bones for her. The first bone is 2 steps to the left of the small trees below Parisa. The other is 2 steps up, and 4 steps right of the big tree above Parisa. This may be off a step or two. Give the bones to Parisa, then go back and tell Eros that you found her.

You Completed Parisa's Bones. You earned $6000 and 100 quest points.

Parry's Long Lost Love (50qp) [Novice]

When you talk to Parry, he will ask you to do him a favor which is to find his long lost love. He also tells you that his long lost love likes cold places and collects miniature horses. Before you leave, Parry will give you a miniature horse stable to give to his long lost love when you find her. To find her, go to Art Isle and talk to Holly. She will take the miniature horse stable and hand you a letter to take back to Parry. Then, take it back to Parry.
You Completed Parry's Long Lost Love. You earned $2500 and 50 quest points.

Patricia's Plum Jelly (25qp) [Novice]

Start the quest by talking to Patricia. She will ask you to get her special plum jelly from Sandra on Dolphin Isle. When you have done this, go back to Patricia.
You Completed Patricia's Plum Jelly. You Earned $4000 and 25 quest points

Pecos Bill's Lost Horse (50qp) [Intermediate]

Cloud Isle
Talk to Pecos Bill to start the quest. You can find him to the left of his house. Talk to him about his horse and he will then ask you to get him 10 sparkling feathers. When you have found them take them back to Pecos Bill. After, Pecos Bill will give you the gussied-up lariat and asks you to find his horse Widow-Maker. To find Widow-Maker go west of Pecos Bills house and into the teleporter. Follow the path to the next teleporter and go into it. Search around the teleporter and you will find Widow-Maker wandering around. Talk to Widow-Maker then when you catch him take him back to Pecos Bill.
You Completed Pecos Bill's Lost Horse. You earned 50 Quest points.

Penelope's Distraction #1 (25qp) [Novice]

Rider Isle
Start the quest by talking to Paige. She will tell you that her daughter, Penelope broke her leg and that she wants you to get her some distractions. For the first distraction, go to Demetrius right there on Rider Isle and talk to him. He will give you a book of poems for Penelope and when you have these, return to Paige and give her the poems.
You Completed Penelope's Distraction #1. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points

Penelope's Distraction #2 (25qp) [Novice]

Rider Isle
Penelope will ask you to get her the second distraction. To do this, go to Dieter in Cantle Meadows on Saddle Isle and talk to him about Penelope. He will hand you a book of riddles and when you have them, bring them back to Paige.
You Completed Penelope's Distraction #2. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points

Penelope's Distraction #3 (25qp) [Novice]

Rider Isle
When you talk to Penelope, she will tell you that she has a lot of distractions, but that she still needs more to keep her busy. For the third distraction, go to Oswald also in Cantle Meadows. He will hand you a Mystical Book when you tell him about Penelope and when he hands you this, return to Paige and give it to her.
You Completed Penelope's Distraction #3. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points

Penelope's Distraction #4 (25qp) [Novice]

Rider Isle
For Penelope's fourth distraction, go back to Cantle Meadows on Saddle Isle and talk to Martha. When you tell her about Penelope, she will give you 3 smores. When you have these, go back to Paige and give them to her
You Completed Penelope's Distraction #4. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points

Penelope's Distraction #5 (50qp) [Novice]

Rider Isle
To get the fifth distraction, go to Robin, east of Witherton on Rider Isle in a willow tree. When you talk to Robin, he will feel really sorry for Penelope and hand you a magical book for her. When you have this, go back to Penelope and hand it to her.
You Completed Penelope's Distraction #. You earned $2000 and 50 quest points

Penfold's Missing Guinea Pig (75qp) [Intermediate]

Lava Isle
When you talk to Penfold, he will tell you that his Guinea Pig ran away and it would be helpful to him if you could find it. He will tell you that you can start searching for his guinea pig by looking for some clues around his house. To find the first clue, go southwest of his house one step and use your search tool. You will find:
After carefully examining the area around you, you see guinea pig tracks leading off to the South.
When you see this, go south to three trees, stand in the middle of them and use your search tool. You will find:
After carefully looking around you manage to find Kira the guinea pig huddled behind a rock.
Then, when you find the guinea pig, bring it back to Penfold.

You Completed Penfold's Missing Guinea Pig. You earned A Crystal Statue, 4 Green Crystal Shards and 75 quest points

Penpal letter for Kele (50qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle
When you talk to Kele, he tells you that his parrot, Mooki used to take letters to his penpal, Eliza all the time, but since he broke his wing, he hasn't been able to. When you ask him if you can deliver it for him, he will hand you a letter and tell you that Eliza lives in Shellton on Turtle Isle. When you are finished talking to him, travel to Eliza and hand her the note. She will take it and give you one back to take to Kele. Then, go back to Kele and hand him the note.
You Completed Penpal letter for Kele. You earned $2000 and 50 quest points

Peppermints for Marcus (50qp) [Novice]

Prison Isle (he is found on the edge of the bridge on prison isle)
Take Marcus 5 peppermints
You Completed Peppermints for Marcus! You earned a Dinosaur Bone, a Rat and 50 quest points.

Peru's Fennel (100qp) [Intermediate]

Molten Meadows on Lava Isle.
Peru sends you out to look for the fennel plants that Tuque hid.
To find the fennel plant you have to got to Appleton. Go into Appleton square a dig all over the yellow and white flowers,(near the ponds.)
Gosh, do you think it's okay to dig up Appleton Town Square like this?
You have unearthed a large Fennel Plant!
After unearthing all seven of the funnel plants head back to peru.

You Completed Peru's Fennel! You earned $6000 and 100 quest points.

Peter the Pumpkin Eater's Glittery Decor (25qp) [Novice]

Cloud Isle
Collect 15 each moonbeams and pixie dust. Return to Peter.
You Completed Peter the Pumpkin eater;s Glittery Decor. You earned $2,500 and 25 Quest Points.

Phyllis Clipper's Broom (25qp) [Novice]

Start the quest by talking to Phyllis. She will ask you to get her broom for her. To do this, go to Ed Klippit in Hotton on Desert Isle. When you get to him, he will hand you the broom and when you have it, return it to Phyllis.

You Completed Phyllis Clipper's Broom. You earned $2000 and 25 quest points.

Pig Rescue! (25qp) [Novice]

Cloud Isles
To start the quest talk to The First Little Pig in the straw house on one of the cloud isles. The big bad wolf will blow down his house and you and the pig will take off on your horse to warn his brothers. Go South-East on the next cloud to find The Second Little Pig in the stick house. The wolf will blow down the house as you take off with the 2 pigs. Go East to the next cloud and talk to The Third Little Pig to finish the quest.
You Completed Pig Rescue! You earned 25 Quest points.

Pig Warning! (25qp) [Novice]

Cloud Isle
To start the quest talk to The Third Little Pig on one of the cloud isles. He will ask you to find his pixie. The pixie is nowhere to be found, so after talking to the pig immediately tell him that you werent able to find the pixie. He will then ask you to warn his 2 brothers. The Second Little Pig will be on the next cloud, talk to him and warn him. Then go North and teleport to the next cloud to find The First Little Pig. After talking to him return to The Third Little Pig.
You Completed Pig Warning! You earned 25 Quest Points.

Pillan's Anniversary Gift (25qp) [Novice]

Desert Isle
When you talk to Pillan, he tells you that he is getting an anniversary gift. He will then ask you to get it for him. Pillan will tell you that for the gift he wants to get, is either between a rat or a gerbil and when you pick the animal, he will ask you to get it for him. When you get it, bring it back to Pillan.
You Completed Pillan's Anniversary Gift. You earned $3000, 5 Wishing Coins and 25 quest points

Pip's Dolphin Isle Shelter (50qp) [Novice]

Dolphin Isle
Start the quest by talking to the chipmunk, Pip. He will ask you to help him make his home. To do this, he will want 10 ferns and when you have them, bring them back to him
You Completed Pip's Dolphin Shelter. You earned 10 Gold Ores, 5 Silver Ores and 50 quest points.

Pip's Food (75qp) [Novice]

Dolphin Isle
When you talk to Pip again, he will ask you to get him some food. He will want 15 acorns and 15 mushrooms. When you have this, bring it back to him
You Completed Pip's Food. You earned A Dinosaur Bone, an Amethyst Necklace and 75 quest points

Pookie's Little Brother (50qp) [Novice]

Lava Isle
To start the quest, talk to Princess Pookie. She will want you to take lunch to her little brother. To do this, go to Shellton on Turtle Isle and go to the playground there. When you are at the playground, you will see a kid named Matty. Talk to him and hand him his lunch. Then, when you have done this, go back to Princess Pookie.
You Completed Pookie's Little Brother. You earned A diamond and 50 quest points.

Pookie's Purple Ink (50qp) [Intermediate]

Lava Isle
Start the quest by talking to Princess Pookie. She will ask you to get her some purple ink. To do this, go to Kilye and when you talk to her, she will tell you that for her to make the shoes, she will need 20 blackberries and 2 oranges. When you have these, bring them back to her and she will hand you the dye. Then, take it back to Princess Pookie.
You Completed pookie's Purple Ink. You earned Two bags of Honey Oats and 50 quest points

Posy's Daisies (100qp) [Novice]

Art Isle
To start the quest, talk to Posy. She will ask you to get her 15 bunches of daisies and 1 white rose. When you have done this, take them back to her
You Completed Posy's Daisies. You earned $9000 and 100 quest points

Posy's Wildflowers (75qp) [Novice]

Art Isle
Talk to Posy again. She will this time ask you to get her 15 bunches of wild flowers and 1 yellow rose. Then, when you have these, bring them back to Posy
You Completed Posy's WildFlowers. You earned $7000 and 75 Quest points.

Prince Charming's Glass Slipper (75qp) [Intermediate]

Cloud Isles
To start the quest talk to Prince Charming on the cloud isle that Repunzel is on. Prince Charming is to the west of Repunzel.
He will tell you about his missing glass slipper and will ask you to search around the area for clues. Get off your horse and go 3 strides East, and 1 stride South. Use the magnifying glass. Go tell Prince Charming what you found. He will then ask you to go talk to the Ugly Duckling. Go through the teleported to the East, then follow the path North-West and go through the teleported to find the Ugly Duckling. After talking to the duck he will give you the glass slipper. Take it back to Prince Charming.

You Completed Prince Charming's Glass Slipper. You earned 75 Quest points.

Princess Lilianna's Frogs (25qp) [Novice]

Cloud Isle
Find a red, blue and green frog for Lilianna. They’re all near the Pegasus statues. The red frog is directly south of Pegasus 7. Use the rake. The green frog is to the west of Pegasus 8. Rake again. The blue frog is directly south of Pegasus 1. Rake. Take the frogs back to Lilianna.
You Completed Princess Lilianna's Frogs. You Earned $3000 and 25 Quest Points

Princess Pookie's Kooky Shoes (75qp) [Intermediate]

Lava Isle
When you talk to Princess Pookie, she will ask you to make her some shoes. To do this, go to Thorne on Flower Isle. When you tell him about Princess Pookie, he will at first say no but when you talk to him a little bit more, he will tell you that for him to make the shoes he will need 2 leather peices and 2 rubies. When have this set of supplies, go back to him and get the shoes made. Thorne will then hand you the shoes and when you have them, go back to Princess Pookie and hand them to her.
You Completed Princess Pookie's Kooky Shoes. You earned $9000 and 75 quest points

Puck's Midsummer Adventure (250qp) [Advanced]

Saddle Isle

To start, talk to Puck on Saddle Isle. After crossing the bridge from Rider to Saddle, he is located under the first willow tree.

He will ask you to deliver messages to the 6 fairies: the Snow Fairies, the Jungle Fairies, the Cloud Fairies, the Water Fairies, the Forest Fairies, and the Flower Fairies. The first fairie, Rhoswen is located on Snow. Here is her location:

She will ask you to find 10 candy canes and a geode. The geode is found in a rock pile towards the north-east corner of Snow Isle. Here is the location:

Stand on the rock pile and use your tools, I'm pretty sure it's the magnifying glass. After you have found it, return to Rhoswen. She will then send you to the largest isle around Jungle, near the native woodworker known as Xamba. It's on the far west side of Jungle. The jungle fairy is just north of Xamba, a little to the left.

Oren, the fairy, will ask you to get 5 logs of ebony wood and 20 ferns. After you have those, return to Oren. He will then send you to Cloud Isle to find the cloud fairy. The cloud fairy is on the main isle, near sparkling trees. Sylph the cloud fairy is located here:

Sylph will ask you to get 5 silver linings and 10 sparkling feathers. After you get those return to Sylph. She will then send you to Horse Isle to find the water fairy. The water fairy is near a pond by apple trees.

Nerida, the water fairy is to the left of the pond in the center of Appleton. Nerida will ask you to get 12 apples and take them to the unicorn in tail forest. After you have talked to the unicorn go to the southern part of the Unicorn's meadow and use the magnifying glass to find Unicorn hair.

After, return to Nerida. Next you will be sent to find the forest fairy on Tail Isle.

Foster, the forest fairy is in the center of the little forest towards the west end of Tail Isle. He will ask you to get 12 cattails and 10 pieces of cotton. Return to Foster, and he will send you to Flower Isle to find the flower fairy.

Blossom, the flower fairy, is on the west side of Flower Isle, underneath 2 purple mushrooms. She asks for 3 honeycombs and 10 bunches of wildflowers. Get those and return to Blossom. Now go back To Puck.

You Completed Puck's Midsummer Adventure! You earned 2 Pearl Necklaces, a Topaz Necklace and 250 quest points.