Saturday, 08.February.2025, 1:00 PM
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Ranch Information
These are the prices for a ranch.

The Ranch Itself: When you're looking to buy your ranch, have in mind the general location
that you'd like your ranch to be located.
The ranches that are really close to towns are usually more expensive.
Ranches cost between $500,000 to $2,000,000.

Upgrades: When you first buy your ranch, it starts out as a TeePee Ranch House,
which only allows for 1 building on your land.

TeePee - 1 Out Building, at beginning
Ranch Shack - 2 Out Buildings, 1st Upgrade for $50,000
Small Ranch Cabin - 4 Out Buildings, 2nd Upgrade for $100,000
Large Ranch Cabin - 6 Out Buildings, 3rd Upgrade for $200,000
Small Ranch House - 8 Out Buildings, 4th Upgrade for $400,000
Medium Ranch House - 10 Out Buildings, 5th Upgrade for $800,000
Large Ranch House - 12 Out Buildings, 6th Upgrade for $2,000,000
Huge Ranch Estate - 14 Out Buildings, Final/7th Upgrade for $5,000,000

What are Out Buildings?  Out builings are the other buildings you add to your ranch which can allow you to have more horses, make money, training horses for free, etc.
This is what each does and how much they cost:

Windmill - costs $120,000
makes you $1,000 every 2 real life hours/1 game day.

Horse Stable Barn - costs $50,000
allows you to have 3 additional horses

Horse Stable Big Barn - costs $500,000
allows you yo have 6 additional horses

Wagon - costs $50,000
transports you to the closest wagon station and lets you ride between wagon stations for free

Training Pen - costs $100,000
allows you to train your horses once a day and it gives +1 exp for each stat including career exp.

Grain Silo - costs $100,000
feeds all of your horses whenever you visit your ranch (automatic),

Water Well - costs $25,000
gives you and your horses water to drink whenever you are there (automatic)

Vegetable Garden - costs $15,000
feeds you whenever you visit your ranch (automatic),

Flower Garden - costs $5,000
just decoration

Shed - costs $50,000